Healthcare Professionals


The LSEBN Operational Delivery Network is a managed, clinical network and clinicians play a key role in the work of the network. We have a small dedicated Network Team

  • David Barnes - Consultant Burns Surgeon, Chair & Clinical Lead (email)
  • Nicole Lee - Network Lead Nurse (email)
  • Lisa Williams - Network Lead for Psychosocial Care (email)
  • Victoria Dudman - Network Therapies Lead (email)
  • Pete Saggers - Network Manager (email)


The LSEBN publishes burn care guidelines and guidance for health care professionals, including referral and treatment guidelines


Network professional groups

We have a comprehensive work programme and this is supported by Network Clinical Lead and the three professional leads for nursing, therapies and psychosocial care. 

The network professional leads work with their colleagues across the whole network and have developed a number of professional forums. 

Emergency Preparedness

The LSEBN works closely with NHS England and other networks to prepare and manage a response to above normal levels of referrals and activity. This work includes the burns service and networks response to a rapid surge in referrals


National Burn Care Standards

All specialised burn services are working to a national service specification and nationally agreed standards