Network Psychosocial Forum
The LSEBN Psychosocial Forum is one of a number of advisory sub-groups to the LSEBN Operational Delivery Network Board. The aim of the forum is to provide expert, professional advice to the ODN Board on matters related to psycho-social care across the whole pathway of burn care. The objective of the Psychosocial Forum is to develop and deliver a project-based work programme, focussing on the need to constantly seek improvements in patient care and standards and to seek consistency in the delivery of care across the whole network. Membership is drawn from all professional groups within the psychosocial care team, including social workers, psychologists, psychotherapists, counsellors, psychological therapists and health play specialists from each of the designated burn care providers in the network, covering both adult and paediatric care.
The Psychosocial Forum Lead is currently Lisa Williams, Principal Clinical Psychologist, based at Chelsea and Westminster Burns Service. Members will meet several times each year as a specific group and as part of larger meetings of the LSEBN.
Work Plan 2016-2017
5.1 Documentation, guidelines and policies
To review the existing guidelines and policies related to psychosocial burn care. This will include review of existing documentation, and where appropriate, agreeing a consistent policy and approach across the whole network or cluster
5.2 Psychosocial training and education
Continue to implement the delivery of training and education for members of the burns MDT
5.3 Activity and Reporting
To review and develop a minimum dataset for psychosocial care, to be included in the Network Annual Report
Psychosocial teams are involved in the training and education of their MDT colleagues in order to ensure that they provide good quality psychosocial care as part of their core professional duties, e.g. nursing, medicine, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and dietetics. This training generally follows a specific programme that was designed in conjunction with Changing Faces for those MDT members working with either adult patients or with children and their families. The adult training has 5 modules and should be delivered according to the level of psychosocial care required within the individual’s professional role. For example non-clinical staff such as receptionists and domestic staff (Tier One) should only complete modules 1 & 2. The majority of clinical staff (Tier Two) should complete modules 1-4 and only those professionals whose core role involves psychosocial treatment and assessment (Tier Three) undertake module 5. The paediatric training is suitable only for those working clinically with children and families (Tier Two and above).
Different psychosocial teams deliver their training in different ways. Some offer full or half-day workshops, others provide single modules and there is also a self-study option available. Each team has agreed to make their training available to professionals from other burns services within the LSEBN network. The table below will show any upcoming face-to-face training. In order to secure a place on the training events please click on the name of the tutor and send them a request. You are not confirmed on the training and should not attend until you have received a confirmation email back from them, which will contain all the relevant training details.
Should anyone wish to explore the self-study option then please go to the Documentation section and you will be able to download the training manuals for all versions of the training package and the accompanying audiovisual material.
The Psychosocial teams are now in the process of creating new Refresher Training for those staff who completed their initial training more than a year ago. In response to feedback from the burns multi-disciplinary teams they will create a series of shorter case-study related presentations for teams to work through. These case studies will highlight specific challenging or recurring issues seen in adult and paediatric services. This initiative will be included in the 2017-2018 Work Plan.
LSEBN Psychosocial Forum - next meeting
Tuesday April 4th 2016 11 AM - 3 PM, MDT Room, Adult Burns, Fifth Floor, Chelsea & Wesminster Hospital, 369 Fulham Road, London SW10 9NH
Burns Psychosocial Training Dates
Date |
Time |
Type |
Venue & Contact Details (click name to email tutor) |
Adult - full day workshop |
Paeds - full day workshop |
Burns Psychosocial Teaching Pack Resources
Adult Tier One Training Pack for trainers
Adult Tier One Training Pack for students
Adult Tier Two Training Pack for trainers
Adult Tier Two Training Pack for students
Adult Tier Three Training Pack for trainers
Adult Tier Three Training Pack for students
Paediatric Training Pack for trainers
Paediatric Training Pack for students
Adult Pre-Training Questionnaire
Paediatric Pre-Training Questionnaire
Adult Post-Training Questionnaire
Paediatric Post-Training Questionnaire
Adult Training Certificate of Completion
QVH Trauma Assessment Questionnaire
Stoke Mandeville Paediatric Screen
C&W Adult - Time One (without intention to follow-up in three months)
C&W Adult - Follow-up (3 month)
C&W Paediatric Time One 0-4 years
C&W Paediatric Time One (without intention to follow-up) 0-4 years
C&W Paediatric Follow-up (3 month) 0-2 years
C&W Paediatric Follow-up (3 month) 2-4 years
C&W Paediatric Time One 5-10 years
C&W Paediatric Time One (without intention to follow-up) 5-10 years
C&W Paediatric Follow-up (3 month) 5-7 years
C&W Paediatric Time One 11-15 years
C&W Paediatric Time One (without intention to follow-up) 11-15 years
C&W Paediatric Follow-up (3 month) 8-12 years
C&W Paediatric Time One 16+ years
C&W Paediatric Time One (without intention to follow-up) 16+ years
C&W Paediatric Follow-up (3 month) 13-18 years
Scaling and Scoring of Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory - PedsQL
Pathways and Referrals
QVH Paediatric Burns Referral Pathways
QVH Paediatric Referral Colour Flowchart
QVH Psychological Therapy Referral
Working with Self Injury
QVH Procedure for accepting a patient with self injuries
QVH Guidelines for working with self injury in burns
QVH Burns and Major Tissue Loss Rehabilitation
QVH Psychological Therapy for children
Stoke Mandeville psychology leaflet paeds service
Stoke Mandeville psychology leaflet adult service
Working with Mental Health Professionals
QVH Local guidelines for accessing AMHPs