Senior Nurse Forum
The LSEBN Senior Nurse Forum is one of a number of advisory sub-groups to the LSEBN Operational Delivery Network Board. The aim of the Forum is to provide expert, professional advice to the ODN Board on matters related to nursing care across the whole pathway of burn care. The Forum works alongside the network Therapy and Psychotherapy Groups, in order to deliver a patient-focused, high-quality and consistent service across the network.
LSEBN Senior Nursing Forum is concerned with aspects of nursing care for individuals who have suffered a burn injury. The Forum provides a platform for sharing ideas and practice, an opportunity for burn nurses to network with colleagues, maintain communication and collaboration specifically related to the delivery of nursing care to burn-injured patients and to promote issues relevant to burn nursing.
The Forum consists of the senior, lead nurses (covering both adult and paediatric care) and the Burn Care Advisors from each of the designated burn care providers in the network. The Forum Lead is Sue Boasman, Network Lead Nurse, based at the Mid and South East Essex Foundation trust.
The objective of the Forum is to develop and deliver a project-based work programme, focussing on the need to constantly seek improvements in patient care and standards and to seek consistency in the delivery of burn nursing care across the whole network.
LSEBN Senior Nursing Forum Resources: