The LSEBN publishes burn care guidance and guidelines for health care professionals. The documents have been developed by senior clinical members of the burns multi-disciplinary team, and approved by the ODN Board.
LSEBN Guidelines - All documents are Adobe PDF and will open in a new window.
LSEBN Initial management of burns (2018)
LSEBN Guideline on Initial Management of Cold Burns (Frost Bite)
LSEBN Guideline on initial management of ocular burns (Opthalmic)
LSEBN Initial management of SEVERE burns (revised 2020)
LSEBN Burns Depth Assessment
LSEBN Burns Referral Criteria
LSEBN How to Refer
LSEBN Burns Transfer Form
LSEBN Infant Burn Acceptance Guideline
LSEBN Burns First Aid Guideline (2018)
LSEBN Oedema Management
LSEBN Post Burn Care
Face Care Leaflet (2020)
Face Care Flowchart (2020)
Blister Guidelines:
LSEBN Burn Blister Deroofing Guideline
LSEBN Burns Blister Management / Burn Blister Guideline References
First Aid and Minor Injury Guidelines:
LSEBN Burns First Aid and Prevention
LSEBN Minor Burn Adult
LSEBN Minor Burn Paediatric
Bobby has a burn - leaflet
Bobby Wears Pressure Garments - leaflet
Dressings and Treatments:
LSEBN Hydrogel Position Statement
Aquacel® Ag Hydrofiber® Dressing in Burn Wound Care
Enzymatic Debridement of Burns with NexoBrid
Flammacerium Cream in Burn Wound Care booklet
Flamazine® 1% Cream in Burn Wound Care
LSEBN Assessment with the Laser Doppler Imager
LSEBN Having a tissue expander (Adult)
Burn Care Advisor Leaflets:
LSEBN Burn Care Advisor Leaflet June 2018
Caring for your burn at home:
Chelsea & Westminster Hospital patients
Queen Victoria Hospital patients