Standards and Specification
National Burn Care Standards and NHSE Service Specification
All specialised burn services are working to a national service specification and nationally agreed standards of care.
The current (2019) Specialised Burns Specification (Adults and Children) can be seen here: NHS England D06 Burns Specification
Commencing in 2017, NHS England and the Major Trauma & Burns Clinical reference Group, began a review of the specification for burns.
This work has started with paediatric burn care and it is expected that a revised paediatric burns specification will be completed during 2021.
In November 2018, new, profession-led, national burn care standards and outcomes were written and published by the British Burns Association.
Published by the British Burn Association, the Updated BBA National Standards for Provision and Outcomes in Adult and Paediatric Burn Care 2023 are used to guide burn care specification.
Download a copy of the new standards document here: Burn Care Standards 2023