Welcome to London and South East Burn Network
The LSEBN is one of four, Operational Delivery Networks for specialised burns within the UK. The LSEBN serves a population of around 21 million people, living in London, the East of England, Kent Surrey and Sussex, Thames Valley and Wessex.
The network consists of five hospitals providing specialised care for people with burn injuries, including those with complex burn injuries (requiring care in a burn centre or burn unit). We are making plans to develop new facilities, providing specialist care for patients with less severe injuries, closer to where they live.
The network team is hosted by Chelsea & Westminster Hospital NHSF Trust.
We want to hear from you how to improve our burns network please use the link to share improment ideas and feedback
Our Hospitals
Burn Centre St Andrews Burn Centre, Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford Centre for adults and children (link to St Andrews burns website) Burn Centre Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, London Centre for adults / Unit for children (link to Chelsea & Westminster burns website) Burn Unit Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead Unit for adults and children (link to QVH burns website) Burn Unit Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury Unit for adults and children (link to Stoke Mandeville burns website) Burn Facility John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford Facility for adults and children (link to the Oxford John Radcliffe burns and plastics website) |
Burn Network
Specialised burn care services include all burn care delivered by Burns centres, Burn units and Burn facilities delivered as part of a provider network, including the whole pathway of specialist assessments, admission to a Centre, Unit or Facility and rehabilitation and surgical reconstruction. In England and Wales, specialist burn care services are organised on a tiered model of care (centre, unit and facility);
We are developing plans to bring other hospitals into the network, providing specialist burn care closer to where people live, and reducing the need for patients and families to travel long distances for specialist care for less severe injuries. We will publish the details when the clinical and organisational arrangements are approved. |
Using the website
This website provides information and links for patients, members of the public and healthcare professionals. Use the sidebar to navigate to the following pages: